Cerebral Fodder
March 2005
The Digital Ache
a Cyber Trilogy
first published in NEW Quest, No.147 (Jan-Mar) 2002
a quarterly journal of participatory inquiry
devoted to politics, culture, literature & society
Cyber 1
The Wired Society
a dubious paradigm?
by Jayant Deshpande
To be wired is to be reduced to numbers, and hence to be ripe for surveillance and control. Being 'wired up' means we are identified by numbers. The question then becomes, "What else does that identity entail?" An individual happens to be a unique, synthetic form that's now reduced to a heap of numbers, to DATA sequenced in both space and time in order to 'specify' something. Do laws inferred from reducing things to quantities really mirror nature? Tough question. Stored data, in 'memory', has the ring of permanence, its properties constant. But that stored identity starts to vanish when those bytes are in transit over the wires. A phantom soon to become another phantom.
This linear, reductionist nature of the computer limits its
power. As it is, the computer exercises only selected human faculties,
primarily visual in nature. Furthermore, power politics and big business
interests decide what the technological paradigm is to be, whether the
consumer cares to jump on board or not. The real test ought to be whether
the adoption of a particular technology, with all its implications, is
detrimental to other things in our culture that we may value more: e.g.
crafts or trades, which require tactile control. In the information or
digital age that reigning paradigm is the ubiquitous PC, and all the
technologies that support it. But there's no getting away from human values
and concerns—they rise above mere technology, which follows its own
mechanical logic; once we follow its dictates, there may be no turning back.
Think of conventional tools like hammers, pliers, screwdrivers: they're kept
in their place till we pick them up and put them to their limited use. A
computer is a far more
One could argue that the 'information' bromide is an idea gone awry, altering human behavior, even values. Our daily techno-cyber-fix is a symptom of the addiction to hi-tech gadgets. To be drawn into this vortex is to be guaranteed employment, which in turn generates cash to buy more cyber-tech products. A process that feeds itself as R & D becomes flush with money to spend. The aim of the owners: consumer dependence and thus the propagation of a paradigm which we tacitly accept; it doesn't necessarily reflect our ideals. The issue is not whether information technology is overrated, but that a lot of other choices get underrated, even denied. Paradigms have that effect. What redeems the computer is its utility, not our obsession with it. Through the world wide web it offers a relatively impoverished, but creative, individual who wishes to express himself the immense freedom to quickly share his work and gain a huge following. He may well remain in penury, but no one can take that freedom away from him. A democratic medium like the Web allows an honest exchange of ideas and views between concerned and interested parties, with virtually no loss in the pecuniary sense, and only gain—if any. To copy, possibly alter, and distribute such material is to flatter its originator, even as it violates the norms of copyright.
Hence also the open source movement, initiated in a major way by Linus
Torvald’s LINUX operating system (as an antidote or alternative to Windows),
and championed by the cyber-gadfly, Richard Stallman, who believes in a kind
of digital commons to offer and exchange software at no cost, which
the user is free to modify at will. This would ensure full participation by
the user, in the service of constantly improving a product offered to the
public. He insists that one should not have to pay for intellectual property
when it comes to computer code—its
true power lies in its sharing.
The PC is a window on the world. But it's only a tool, not an end in itself. And though quite user-friendly, it could be more so. Yet the more we worship it the more it wears us down. Man is unwittingly being shaped in the image of the computer, though it is just a highly flexible machine that does repetitive calculations at lightning speed. Are we allowing ourselves to be supplanted by our own inventions? The concerns may be clichéd—but they're genuine: Will it be machine over man, and mind over heart and soul? The reasoning faculty serves the cyber dispensation well. We could be irreversibly locked into the biases of a wired society, soon to become only physically 'wireless'.
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